Tech Lead Modern Workplace, Microsoft MVP & MCT

On the 22nd of May 2020, my first book came available via Packt Publishing and via Amazon. In this blogpost, I will give a timeline of my road to become an author.

How this story started
This story started mid July 2019, just one week before our “road trip” in Australia. I received an email from Shriram Shekhar with the question if I would write an exam guide of MD-101. After a few email conversations and asked a few friends, I said “yes” to this opportunity. There was only one downside of this, because they wanted to have an outline before I went to Australia. Uhm… I said that this is not achievable. So, I suggested that I will make the outline during our trip and that was good enough.
In September 2019, I had sent the outline to Packt and they wanted to do MD-100 first, because they believed there was a higher demand at that moment. So, I said “yes” to do MD-100 first. After the formal stuff, like contracts, I received a schedule. There was an average of two weeks for one draft chapter. Whoops… And the book exists of 11 chapters. Oke… Let us start with writing.

Let's start ✍ and 🎉 the milestones
Because I did this for the first time, I had to get the "writers feeling". For hours, I was thinking “How can I transfer my knowledge about this subject and exam into this book?”. Well, that was difficult.
After some double-checks with the Content Editors, was there the first chapter. In draft. But around 🎄2019, there was the first milestone. At this point I had the first three chapters ready in draft. After the first tree chapters, came the second milestone in February 2020, with six chapters ready. In the first week of April 2020, I had nine chapters ready and the last two chapters in the last week of April 2020.
In the meantime, the reviews from the Content Editors came back, change some text, split chapter one, because that one was to long. After that, the Content Editors where finished, the chapters went through to the Technical Editors. So, I had to change a few things again.
Begin May 2020, everything was fine. Except one thing, the mock, and the assessments part. I had to write down 40 questions for the Mock and all the answers including the questions that belongs to each chapter. But he… took some time, but also this was done and delivered to the Editors.

MD-100 Exam Certification Guide
MD-100 Exam Certification Guide

✍ is done, bring on the 📙
After a few days, I received the initial complete book in PDF for review. And finally, on the 22nd of May 2020, my book was published at Packt Publishing and on Amazon. I know that there are already sold some books, so get your (e-)book now!

Celebration🎉🎉 time
Keep an đź‘€ on my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, because next week, I will give some discount codes away!

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