Tech Lead Modern Workplace, Microsoft MVP & MCT

It is having been a while, that I went to a local test center to do an exam. This year was a crazy year, because my book was published in May this year. So, I spent most of my free time to do some writings for this.

Furthermore, I did the CompTIA CTT+ course in January and February. In July, I did the exams that belongs to the CompTIA CTT+ course. After all this, I decided to do nothing anymore until the summer holiday. After the summer holiday, I decided to take the exam of MS-500 and maybe the MS-700 exam.

But first the MS-500 exam. On a Sunday afternoon, I saw in my calendar that I have this exam planned on Monday morning. Mmm…... I grabbed a can of coffee and went upstairs to my office and searched for documentation about this exam. On Monday morning, I went to the local test center, did the exam and, guess what…... I failed. That was expected. When I was at home, I scheduled this exam again for today. But now I was more prepared to do the exam and the result was that I have passed this exam this morning.

So, that is it for this year.

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